A New York State Of Mind *Open Thread*


After two weeks of Trump temper tantrums and charges of cheating because Cruz actually read the rules, and the Democrats trying to out-New York each other, we have finally – thank God – arrived at the New York State Primary for both Democrats and Republicans.


As of this writing, conventional wisdom has Trump winning a good number of delegates anyway – it is his home state, after all. But if he wins 50% of the votes, then he gets all 95 delegates. That ain’t no small thing. According to USA Today, the job of Cruz and Kasich on Tuesday is to try and keep Trump from doing that:

[…] Trump’s opponents, Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, have all but conceded the popular vote to Trump in New York, though each is looking to pick off a few delegates as part of their effort to deny him a first ballot win at the July convention in Cleveland.

Cruz picked up 14 delegates in Wyoming during a state convention this weekend, telling supporters there that Trump would lose a general election badly to DemocratHillary Clinton.

Kasich, who plans to spend New York primary night in Maryland, which holds its primary April 26,  said the delegate selection rules are clear, involving state conventions as well as primaries and caucuses, and Trump should stop whining about them.

“I mean, come on,” Kasich told CNN’s State of the Union. “Act like you’re a professional, be a pro.” […]

No kidding. And speaking of his opponents, while Trump has been lashing out left and right, I am sure you will be shocked – shocked, I tell you – to learn the media reported on Trump’s rantings 24 times more than they did the threats his opponents received by Trump supporters. Uh, yeah. Nice of the media to keep propping Trump up free of charge!!

And yeah, professional Trump has not been, though he isn’t just spewing his venom on Cruz. He seems to have some left for the two Democrats, too:

[…] During his rally Sunday in the heart of the Hudson Valley, Trump said he would beat the “crooked” Clinton easily, and also bashed Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. (“I refuse to vote for a communist.”) (Click here to read the rest.)

Well, there is one thing about which I agree with Trump – I wouldn’t vote for any Commie either. Ahem.

And I also agree with this adviser to Ted Cruz about Trump’s constant crying, whining, feet-stamping over the rules that have been the rules for sometime now. From Economic Times:

A senior adviser to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Sunday accused rival Donald Trump’s campaign of taking a “banana republic approach” by complaining that party rules for selecting a nominee are rigged against him.

Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the Texas senator’s delegate operations manager, said on ABC’s “This Week” that the Trump campaign is challenging the delegate selection process “because they’re getting beat on the ground.” […] (Click here to read the rest.)

Uh, yeah. I hope Kasich and Cruz have much better showings than the polls expect them to have. Oh, please, GOD, let them have a better showing.

Anyway, I think this behavior from Trump is quite the good indicator of just how he would operate should he somehow manage to occupy the Oval Office, too. Can you just IMAGINE what that would be like? I mean, really – from the Congress to the Supreme Court to the leaders of other countries, whenever he doesn’t get his way, I can just SEE Trump having meltdowns like  he has been the past couple of weeks. Why? Because Trump doesn’t care about the rules that stand or, apparently, LEARNING about them. Decorum, what little bit is left after Obama, would be finally laid to rest under a Trump Presidency.

I think we would be seeing a whole lot more of these kinds of attacks by Trump (and because I care, I am giving you a video in which Trump is not actually speaking. You’re welcome!):

And that would be considered CIVIL by Trump Standards. Ugh.

Cannot wait for Wednesday when Trump is back to his boorish insufferable bragging ways. That is marginally better than his Big Baby way, huh? Oh, who am I kidding – they are both terrible, especially from someone who wants to be POTUS. Good grief.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Clinton is also expected to easily win her adopted home state of New York, despite Sanders being from Brooklyn.

(Cartoon courtesy of Legal Insurrection.)

The Bern is none too happy with the way mean ol’ Clinton has been treating him in New York, as this Fox article highlights:

[…] “I have become a little bit tired of being beaten up by the negativity of the Clinton campaign. And we’re responding in kind,” Sanders said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about his TV debate last week with the former secretary of state and the increasing negativity in the Democratic primary.

The Vermont senator and self-described democratic socialist then launched into his criticism about Clinton’s Wall Street ties, support for the war in Iraq and the minimum wage issue. […] (Click here to read the rest.)

Good grief, what a bunch of whiners we have in this campaign, huh? Man up already, Bernie! Sheesh!

I still cannot believe anyone is taking Sanders seriously. I mean, really, as this Chicks on the Right article notes, have his supporters no sense of history at all? So it would seem, but the can just look at Venezuela to see how demands like Bernie’s work out on real life.

Yep, I cannot wait for the polls in New York to close, and the winners proclaimed.  My (delusional) hope is that maybe this shift away from Trump’s home state will result in a cessation of the incessant “New York Values!” discussions. I know – what a dreamer…

Anyway – that’s it for me. Feel free to discuss the NY State Primary results, or whatever else is on your minds today.

This is an Open Thread.

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25 Responses to “A New York State Of Mind *Open Thread*”

  1. piper Says:

    He never stops with his adoration of himself. The impeccable dressed man with not a hair out of place ‘helped cleared a bit of rubble from the Towers” – Really?


  2. kenoshamarge Says:

    I hope New Yorkers turn out to be smarter than I think they are. They seem to pride themselves on being so much more aware of things than those of us out in fly over country. If they truly are, they won’t be buying what Trump’s selling. My fear is that they aren’t as smart as they think they are. People seldom are.

  3. kenoshamarge Says:

    No, Our Primaries Are Not Rigged

    The results are rooted in different dynamics. Trump has a disproportionately higher delegate haul because, under Republican rules, many states have “winner take most” systems that magnify victories. Democrats strictly follow a “proportional allocation” system that is more generous to runners-up, preventing Clinton’s delegate count from outpacing her popular vote (but also giving her a minor boost in Wyoming).

    And Sanders, unlike Trump, mostly wins low-turnout caucus states, so he earns a big bushel of delegates from a smaller pool of voters.


    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Wait – are you trying to inject FACTS into this discussion?! Well, THAT ain’t gonna fly – not with Trump supporters, that is!

  4. kenoshamarge Says:

    Trump has 37% of votes and 45% of delegates, UNFAIR!

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      AHAHAHAHA – yeah, funny that he fails to realize the, um, IRONY, of that considering his ranting and raving!

  5. kenoshamarge Says:

  6. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    A friend had this up at Facebook. That this is Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd shouldn’t deter you. Mitchell makes some great points abt Trump’s abilities – or lack thereof: http://therightscoop.com/he-is-completely-uneducated-about-any-part-of-the-world-andrea-mitchell-bewildered-at-trump-interview/

  7. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    As anticipated, Clinton and Trump won NY. According to this CNN article, now the GOP is concerned abt the Dems winning. Once again, way to snatch defeat from certain victory, GOP: http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/20/politics/new-york-primary-takeaways/index.html

  8. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    And Denmark wants Bernie Sanders to stop lying abt their economic model. They aren’t Socialists (h/t Facebook friend): http://www.investors.com/denmark-tells-bernie-sanders-to-stop-calling-it-socialist/

  9. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    I had to stop reading this almost immediately. This is beyond appalling. What in the hell have we become? From the Daily Signal: http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/20/in-the-market-for-fetal-body-parts-a-babys-brain-sells-for-3340

    • piper Says:

      But Amy, we would never do anything that smacks of the Nazi experiments conducted during their reign. We’re better than those people – right.

      There are no words that I can use to describe my outrage at this and the refusal by most of the media to report of this barbarism.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        It is just mind boggling, isn’t it, piper? I told Suzy this morning that back when I was a Leftist, I dismissed the claims by Conservatives abt the moral breakdown in this country. But as time goes by, and as things like this are permitted, this horrendous butchery of human fetuses, I have to acknowledge they are right. This “anything goes” attitude has infused our society to such an extent that this kind of thing is not acceptable.

        Seriously, I couldn’t finish reading that article…

  10. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Here is more on the whole New York Primary thing: http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/276939-new-york-primary-winners-and-losers

  11. piper Says:

    A feel good story about the dancer who lost her leg in the Boston bombing 3 years ago running in the marathon this year.


    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, THANK YOU for this, piper! That is a much needed story considering to what we are waking up this morning.

      How wonderful that she will be running!

  12. piper Says:

    Today in downtown Wisconsin promises to be a beautiful sunny day so I’ll go for a long walk on the trail then off to lunch with friends.

    Channeling my ???????? into positive energy which hopefully will alleviate my mental uneasiness at the direction our beloved country is traveling on – not only with the candidates but the people who are voting for these disreputable candidates based on fairy dust and hyperbole.

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