Celebrating Fathers This Weekend *Open Thread*


Sunday is Father’s Day, a day we pay tribute to the fathers in our lives, blood or chosen, depending on our respective relationships. It is a day to take a moment and reflect upon the impact our fathers have had in our lives, and if they are still with us, to let them know we appreciate all they have done for us.

scan0001I have mentioned before that in my early days, my relationship with my dad was not the greatest. For starters, my dad was definitely of the generation that children “should be seen and not heard.” That was SO not me. I was, in short, a handful. That’s just the truth of the matter.  (That’s me to the left of my dad.)

But even still, there is no doubt the impact my father had on my life, from having our family pray together, going to church together, teaching me to play the piano and encouraging my singing, especially in choir, emphasizing the importance of education, and more, are all ways in which my dad most definitely impacted my life.

Michael and VianneThankfully, in my later years, I was able to see my father as a person in his own right, as someone with his own hopes, dreams, and regrets. And I was able to thank him for the many gifts he gave me during my life which helped make me the person I am today. I am grateful for him, for all I learned from him, and hope that my dad knows how much I miss him still.

No doubt many of us have learned a lot from our dads in one way or another. Along those lines, Next Avenue had a great post which was chock full of people sharing what they learned from their dads over the years. Here are some of those things:


Always keep your sense of humor. It will take you through almost anything.”

– Beck Frazier

“‘Don’t sweat the small stuff,’ was something I recall my father saying to me. The fact that he escaped from a WWII Nazi prison camp and came back to the states able to work and raise a family after that… well, that did tend to put things in perspective.”

– Jean Holland

“Besides teaching me how to fish, which gave me a lifetime of enjoyment, he taught me that’s it called FISHING, not catching. Patience. Enjoy what you’re doing now.”

– Sharon Dodson

A sense of humor , patience, and “not sweating the small stuff,” are all good things to try and teach the next generation. (And WOW that the latter came from someone who escaped a Nazi prison camp!)

Here are a few more:


“The best thing I learned from my dad was life doesn’t owe you a living.”

– Brian Cole

“I can best sum up what my dad taught in a quote: ‘The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.’ – Thomas A. Edison. These essentials were major factors in my professional and personal life, for which I am forever grateful.”

– F. Hoffman


“‘It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.’ Said to me on the eve of my graduation from law school. Needed to hear it and have learned he was oh so right. Again.”

– Susan Connolly

My father also had an excellent work ethic. Not only did he hold down a 9 – 5 job as a Comptroller at a realty and mortgage company, but he was also the choir director and organist at every church we attended. During my college years, I worked with my dad in the Accounting office and saw first hand how hard he worked, and how well he treated those who worked for him. Good lessons all.

And to that point, these lessons imparted on how to treat people:


“Treat everyone with respect; especially those that others may think are unimportant. Whether they are the people that clean the floor or do the lowest level job in the building. It will make a difference in their lives and yours. My dad had an appliance business in our small town and he knew the only way some people could afford to have a washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc. was to finance it himself and let them pay it out; sometimes paying only $5 a week. I worked for him a bit after high school and he made sure I treated each customer equally well. After he passed, many people came by to share how well he treated them over the years. I hope when I pass, I will be remembered by people as one who treated them kindly and with respect.”

– Brenda Beeler

“Even as a child I remember Dad saying that the most important thing I could do for others is to remember their names. He said when you call a person by name it makes them feel that he or she matters. When I became a teacher, I used the school yearbook to learn the names of my new students before the first day of school. As the students entered the classroom I called each one by name. The looks on their faces were priceless. I won them over at that moment!”

– Patricia Gable

[…] (Click here to read the rest.)

There are more excellent remembrances and life lessons folks recounted and you can click the link above to read more.

But I bet many of you have some lessons your own fathers imparted to you over the years that inform you still. If you are willing to share, I guarantee you we would all enjoy hearing about your fathers. So, let’s hear it!

And speaking of hearing it, I have a Father’s Day song to share with you all. It’s a sweet little piece:

That sure sounds like a father to me…

To all the fathers out there, I wish you a very Happy Father’s Day.  One day is not enough to acknowledge all that a father does, of course, but I hope it is a special one in which all the fathers out there feel special and appreciated.

This is the Weekend Open Thread.




28 Responses to “Celebrating Fathers This Weekend *Open Thread*”

  1. kenoshamarge Says:

    My dad suddenly entered my life when I was 3 years old and he returned from Germany after World War 2. My mother, a very smart woman, had kept a picture of my day front and center from the time I was born and so I was not afraid of this “stranger” who suddenly entered our lives.

    He taught me to stand on my own two feet, speak my mind, and work hard. He also taught me to take the consequences of my actions. Thus when I parroted some expletive he had uttered he had no sympathy for me when Mom washed my over-active mouth out with soap. “Your mother told you not to say that,” he would tell me. “Now quit whining and blow bubbles.”

    Now I think that’s funny. Then I was angry that he wasn’t “taking my side.”

    He also taught me that in our house it wasn’t possible to “divide and conquer”. If mom said no then he would stand with mom and vice-versa.

    I’m an old lady now and have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of my own. And still I miss my Dad.

    Love you Dad, then, now and always.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, Marge – your story abt your dad and the impact he had on your life brought tears to my eyes. And cracked me up with the “blow bubbles” comment. Your dad sounds like an incredible man – strong, smart, disciplined, funny, and loving.

      No doubt you miss him still…

      Cannot believe you found the perfect Maxine cartoon – you rock!

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Can you believe that cartoon? I added it shortly after my comment when I found it on a Father’s Day cartoon hunt. Good ol’ Maxine, she never let’s me down!

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          No, I really can’t – unless YOU are the creator of Maxine, which I would totally believe! 😀

  2. kenoshamarge Says:

    Our fathers carry half of our genetic makeup. Our relationship with our father plays a huge part of who we will become. In many segments of society, people grow up without ever knowing their fathers. This is unfortunate because fathers should play as important a role in raising their children as mothers. A father is the model of a man for his daughter and she will choose a man who is like him. A father is the model for his son as well.

  3. Cindyindie Says:

    Wonderful post, Cuzin…..I wish I could have met your father…..and heard him play the organ!
    I miss my daddy so much. He died so young at 64. But honestly he would NOT have done well in retirement…He was so full of energy and ideas….constantly!
    Hope you and Suzy and Marge have a great weekend, too!

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Thank you so much, Cuz – I appreciate that. I wish you could have known him, too. And likewise your wonderful father. I thought of you as I wrote abt the impact my dad had on my life, especially in terms of music. Not only did he teach all five of his children how to play piano, four of us picked up other instruments as well (flute and guitar for me). His devotion to all things music was inspiring and taught me a lot.

      Some things, like opera, took me longer to appreciate, but while living in NYC, I was able to go to the Metropolitan Opera House and see greats like Kathleen Battle and Jessye Norman perform. WOW.

      Hope you have a great weekend, too, and please wish Honest Lawyer a very Happy Father’s Day for me!

  4. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Btw, I should say that is not just a random photo of a father and his daughter. That is one of my goddaughters (she is now close to turning 7) and her dad. 🙂

    • Cindyindie Says:

      That’s exactly who I thought it was….I remember when she was a toddler!

      Is he still with Time Warner or spectrum?

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        She is just adorable – very funny. And she loves Science, especially bugs. Cracks me up…

        I think it is still Time Warner where he is – I could be wrong, though.

  5. kenoshamarge Says:

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Very nice. Thank you. I am going to put this up on Facebook now!

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        It expressed my Dad’s attitude so perfectly I had to post it. You could see sometimes that he wanted to say something, to interfere in some of my choices – but he stood back and then was there when I needed him.

        I don’t mean he let my little brother or I do something that would cause injury to ourselves or others but he believed that you learn by doing. And you learn more about doing stupid things by doing them than all the lectures in the world.

  6. kenoshamarge Says:

    What Makes a Good Dad? The Bible Has a Few Things to Say About That

    The results of abusive and absentee fathers are evident and are seemingly the one common denominator of many of society’s ills—pornography, human trafficking, abortion, rape, murder, alcoholism, teen suicide, and incarceration. All these can be traced to abusive and absentee fathers. The stats are startling:

    – Sixty-three percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes—5 times the average (US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Bureau of the Census)

    – Ninety percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes—32 times the average (The Garbage Generation by Daniel Amneus).

    – Eighty-five percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes—20 times the average (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

    – Eighty percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes—14 times the average (Justice & Behavior 14:403–26).

    – Seventy-one percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes—9 times the average (National Principals Association Report).


    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Wow, those are STUNNING statistics, Marge. Just SMH. Thanks for this!

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        I love to post things that show me that some of my beliefs are true. I’ve long believed that no good can come of all the near worship of “single moms.”

        Yes many of them are strong and courageous women who are single parents through no fault of their own. But many are single parents because of really bad choice they made. Like getting pregnant by someone that they had to know had no intention of sticking around to be a dad.

        In the past it wasn’t just the “social” stigma of being an unwed mother, it was the fact that a woman, especially a young, unskilled woman, couldn’t raise a child on her own. And thus her choice made her a burden on the “tribe” to which she belonged.

        Now we help such young women and in many cases, all too many, perpetuate a behavior that is bad for them and their children.

        I find it confusing that the women who on one hand show disdain for “stay at home moms” but on the other hand help make generations of dependent women who will never be anything else. Whether they want that or not. What am I missing?

        Children need both mother and father. It isn’t always possible but we should always strive for it.

        Okay, Marge’s sermonette of the day is over. Sorry.

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          Absolutely NO need to apologize, Marge I very much appreciate your thoughts and insights on this.

          And you are right – it is indeed hypocritical for the same women who act like being a stay-at-home mom is somehow less-than, while proclaiming women should have a choice (as long as it is what THEY would choose), and wanting to support single women who keep having children out of wedlock.

          Great comment.

  7. kenoshamarge Says:

  8. kenoshamarge Says:

    “The depth of a father’s love shows in his daughter’s eyes

    What’s known is what’s shown from sunset to sunrise

    A foundation built on more than just what is spoken

    It’s commitments kept and promises that go unbroken/An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase

    The permanent impression of love is tattooed upon her face

    A relation so peculiar that only the two can understand

    Yet so immaculate it’s obvious that, by God, it was planned.”

    ~ Michelle W. Emerson

  9. kenoshamarge Says:

    Not so beautiful but sadly all too true…

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, wow – good one.

      That said, I do like how it includes the need for coffee while highlighting the increasing rarity of such an event.

  10. kenoshamarge Says:

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Love it!!

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Joe Heller is a great cartoonist with whom I disagree much of the time. He’s not a lefty but he’s a very contrarian something else. Libertarian? Republican Establishment? I honestly don’t know. He worked for the Green Bay Press Gazette for years. But he isn’t a liberal. Or at least I don’t think so.

        He’s just Joe Heller and his own man I guess. I kind of like that now that I think about it.

        But when it comes to family, love of country and Holidays he’s one of the best.

        The cartoon above is from a year ago, the one below is from this year.

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          LOVE that cartoon, Marge. That is just perfect.

          And really – how refreshing that you don’t know for sure where Heller falls on the political spectrum! Wow!

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