Always Agitated ☑️



Image result for agitated cartoon images

adjective : agitated
  1. feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
    “there’s no point getting agitated”
    upset, perturbed, flustered, ruffled, disconcerted, unnerved, unstrung, disquieted, disturbed, distressed, unsettled;nervous, jumpy, on edge, tense, keyed up, rattled, fazed, in a dither, in a flap, in a state, in a lather, steamed up, jittery, in a tizzy, discombobulated

Were we always as a nation, as a people, so continually agitated? I’ve been around a long time and I can’t seem to remember this many people being this riled up so much of the time. Or is it a small number of people who are very vocal as well as a media that likes people on edge because it benefits them?

I don’t know. I have my “opinions” but unlike the pundidiots that surround us my opinions are just that – not facts.

So much of the stuff people seem agitated or annoyed or angry about is either silly or in many cases just not so.

Take this nonsense from the perpetually agitated Jim Acosta from CNN:Image result for agitated cartoon images

Sarah Sanders sat in the seat saved for Gary Cohn at the news conf

Are you kidding me? A man posing as an adult “reporter” tweets that? It would be immature from someone writing for a High School newspaper.

Nowhere is the anger and idiocy more visible than on twitter. Well CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and PBS come close but…

How about the outrage over Jared Kushner’s meeting with officials in Mexico and not inviting the U.S. ambassador, Roberta Jacobson.

“This is not the way foreign policy normally is, or should be conducted,” says an expert quoted by the New York Times:

“This is not the way foreign policy normally is, or should be, conducted,” said Christopher Sabatini, a lecturer at Columbia University. “The sending of the president’s son-in-law — someone with no experience in Mexican-U.S. relations — is another example of the de-professionalization and personalization of diplomacy that will hurt U.S. interests and leverage in the region.”

Related image

The Hollywood nitwits naturally had to put in their 2¢ worth.

Mia Farrow ~ Outrageous & bewildering that Jared Kushner did not invite the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico to his meetings with Mexico’s president and top officials

And of course idiot Congressman Ted Lieu of  California had to make an ass of himself. Which being Ted Lieu means it’s just another day in his life:

Image result for agitated cartoon images Ted Lieu ~ Today is Thursday. That means we all need to ask again: Why is Jared Kushner still a Senior White House Advisor?
Also, what did he want to hide from the US Ambassador to Mexico?

Meanwhile from NBC News: JUST IN: U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Roberta S. Jacobson, is resigning her post this spring, saying she will leave “in search of other opportunities;” move comes amid strained relations between the two countries.

Typical misleading/slanted reporting. Yes, the outgoing Ambassador was not at the meeting in Mexico. She was an Obama appointee and is leaving the job. Kimberly Breier, nominated to be assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere, was there. State Department was well represented.

Meanwhile in California:

San Francisco mayor joins tirade against DOJ’s efforts to halt sanctuary laws: Related imageSessions is a ‘moron’

San Francisco Acting Mayor Mark Farrell had some choice words for the U.S. Justice Department’s lawsuit against the state of California’s sanctuary laws, KPIX-TV reported.

He joins Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who also blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a statement that defended her city’s decision to protect illegal aliens from federal immigration agents.

The Mayor of Oakland, she’s the pinhead that warned illegals, many of them guilty of crimes other than just the crime of being here illegally, that ICE was coming. But Sessions is a moron? I just keep SMH in wonder at the name-calling and immaturity as well as the lawless behavior of people who hold office in this country.

Most of the media’s attention is focused on two punks named David Hogg and Cameron Kasky. They parrot the things the activist media likes to hear. Thus they are now media stars.

They might want to rethink that just a tad. Some people, I would suspect many people, won’t like two wet behind the ears kids telling them that past generations owe them an apology and that this generation now has to fix things. Talk’s cheap kiddies, but what exactly have you done except run your mouth?

Meanwhile there is another youngster  who’s been all but ignored by the MSM. Perhaps because he isn’t calling names and bragging about hanging up on the White House.

His name is Kyle Kashuv and he’s searching for solutions not attention.EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Conservative Parkland Massacre Survivor the Media Has Largely Ignored

The Grassley Cruz bill is one I fully support. @marcorubio and @senorrinhatch have a great bill too. I implore all positions to come together and vote this into law. @tedcruz

What Kashuv would really like to try is an app called ReachOut that connects students in need of help. The company writes, “When a student is struggling emotionally or just needs someone to talk to, this app gives them a platform to seek help from other student volunteers.”

But sure, ban assault rifles instead.

He’s still young and he has a lot to learn. But he’s learned to act like a decent human being which is something a lot of adults who have yet to learn.  What did he have to say about David Hogg? That he’s being “extremely counterproductive”. An ability to disagree without being disagreeable is rare.
I can’t help but enjoy the karma when some foolish politician tries a stunt only to have it backfire.

Karen Mallard, a Democrat Congressional Candidate from Virginia Beach posted a video of herself sawing off her husband’s AR-15 in protest gun of violence after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

The video was posted on Facebook Wednesday night. where it received more than 1.4 million views

In a nutshell, Mallard says neither she nor her husband wants the gun in their home anymore, she busts out a grinder, saws off the barrel and part of the handguard, then says she wants to join nutter gun control group, Moms Demand Action.

Many viewers noted that modifying a firearm without the proper permit might not be legal.

Oops. Maybe just turning the gun into the nearest police station would have been better. But publicity stunts are so much more noticeable. Just wondering,  this honored the victims of Margery Stoneman Douglas High School in what way?
Then there are those who deliberately seek to divide.

Emily Peck on Wednesday published a piece in HuffPost entitled, “The Constitution Gives Gun Owners Greater Rights Than Women,” and the tweet-thread promoting the piece kicked off like this:


Gun owners in the United States, a majority of whom are men, have better constitutional rights than women.

 Good luck with finding some rationality in that gibberish. You have the Image result for angry woman cartoon imagessame right to own a gun as a man but if fewer of you do that then then men have better constitutional rights.
 I try, I really try, from time to time to see what all these people are so agitated about.
I get agitated myself to the detriment of my blood pressure Related imagewhen I read lies and twaddle.
My opinions are my own and I have a perfect right to be of the opinion there are a whole lot of people who get agitated about nothing much. Agitated people who then insult and bully others who don’t agree with their poppycock.
Then there are the nutters…


This is, as always, an open

Thread on Emojipedia 11.1

15 Responses to “Always Agitated ☑️”

  1. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    It really is astonishing to see the constant and increasing levels of outrage, vitriol, justification for lawlessness (CA), and ignorance so prevalent these days.

    Along those lines, the media and Dems are working hard to whitewash Bernie Sanders’ Communism. A friend had this disconcerting article at Facebook:

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      Most of the fools blathering about “socialism” haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. Bernie Sanders is the epitome of a hypocrite with his 3 houses and a lifetime spent being a parasite on the taxpayers of this country.

      As Ayn Rand said:

      There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposed to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.

    • kinthenorthwest Says:

      Right on the mark again as usual….

  2. kenoshamarge Says:

    ‘What a trip’: Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv meets with POTUS and first lady, shows off ReachOut app

  3. kenoshamarge Says:

    • kinthenorthwest Says:

      Not really a fan of Ted Nugent (not my style of music) of Alex Jones but this video really shows how screwy the left are about the AR-15

      did you all see where Virginia Democratic candidate Karen Mallard sawed up a AR-15, which by the way is illegal.

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        I don’t “like” Ted Nugent and I never liked his music although my sons both did many years ago. I always used the old Bob Hope joke about his music sounding like a direct hit on a guitar factory.

        But one thing is for sure, unlike most of the pinheads yammering about guns, he does know guns and knows what they can do.

        The ignorance of the left on guns is preposterous for a bunch pontificating about them.

        • kinthenorthwest Says:

          When I first moved here in 2005 I went to the last night of the fair–first time I ever heard of the guy or even saw him…
          None the less I did not stay long & good thing it was free.

  4. kenoshamarge Says:

  5. Re-Farmer Says:

    Okay, so the gatorade sign is photoshopped, but someone else ran with it…

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I assumed that it was. But however foolish, or improbable the image that is posted – someone will believe it. And as you say, run with it.

      When you’re constantly agitated the thought process is compromised. Or in some cases wasn’t present to begin with.

  6. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    And the Democrats hypocrisy and anti-Semitism continue to be revealed:

    Then there is Sally Kohn:

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