⏱️Time For A Break

May 13, 2024 by

Politics are so corrupt and slimy in this country that I can barely stand to read about what’s happening.

It’s time for me to step back a little. Time to spend less time on all the disgusting things happening in this our beloved country. Time to be aware but not obsessed. And I have always been obsessed with politics. Now, I am more disgusted than obsessed.

I used to spend hours a day on politics. Now I spend an hour or so. I will always seek to be aware. Beyond that, no longer.

Let us all do what we can do and always seek the truth. I want to be informed – not obsessed.

I find my blood pressure has lowered somewhat. and that’s a good thing.

I will continue my cartoon and meme hunts for their truth and for the fun of it.

I’ll still comment and post articles in the comments but not as much as I have done.

To tell the truth just the sound, or sight of the names Biden or Trump and many others nauseates me. So does most of the rest of cockroaches in office, in government, in media, in sports, in entertainment and in the voting public.

God Bless Us all and help us find our way.


This is an open thread. 🧵