Monkey Business 🐒



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 “Monkey business” 🐒

  1. frivolous or mischievous behavior.
  2. improper or underhanded conduct; trickery.

Either or both definitions of monkey business are the kind of nonsense I want to discuss today.

The media, who’s job it is to inform us should not engage in monkey business. That should go without saying. Yet the media is the worst offender when it comes to monkey business. Politicians also engage in a great deal of monkey business but for the most part we Laughing Monkey animated emoticonexpect that from them.

We also see a lot of monkey business from citizens so convinced they are right that they’re willing to denigrate, insult and attack anyone who doesn’t agree with their POV. That includes Friends, relatives, neighbors and strangers encountered on-line.

When I first observed this behavior I had difficulty believing that people were actually that nasty. Monkey Shaking Head animated emoticonThe fact that they are able to keep at it day after day tells me of a sickness in the soul that I find alarming. I once thought we were basically, at heart, a good people.

Given an outlet to spew the anger and ugly inside a great many people show a level of anger and hate hard to comprehend. Day after day. Such animus for your fellow man must in time erode your own humanity.

I call it monkey business because it is silly for the most part. Silly and ignorant. What benefit does someone get from acting like a 2 year old on-line?  Others behave like adolescents with all the tact and control of that unhappy and hormonal activated thinking.

They’ve become little poo throwers with a grudge against anyone or anything that says them nay. Most are not worth our time or energy. Except they are everywhere and the media gives them all the attention their ugly little hearts desire.

It’s hard enough to accept that ordinary citizens can act so foolishly and with so little knowledge of what they speak about but when it’s a member of the media it leaves me shaking my head. Says No This Cute Monkey animated emoticon

We’ve learned and seen over the years that some very silly and ignorant people have their own television shows on cable “news”. Most of cable “news” is in reality simply opinion programing. If you accept it as that it doesn’t seem so bad. Except that many/most people accept them as straight up news.

People like the ignorant, hyperbolic moron, Chris Matthews. Matthews has been around spewing his nonsense for a long time.

Image result for monkey cartoon imagesOn June 8 Chris Matthews left MSNBC viewers scratching their heads bizarrely claiming that non-urban areas –such as Colorado and Wyoming- weren’t reading enough Russia-Trump conspiracy stories because they lack “serious newspapers” that continue the never-ending witch hunt.

Evidently citizens of Colorado and Wyoming don’t have television, access to big city newspapers or the internet. Instead of monkey see- monkey do, perhaps idiots like Matthews should be monkey STHU. 🙊 But we know he won’t.

Ben Shapiro has a way with flattening imbeciles engaged in monkey business.

Image result for girl monkey cartoon images  ‘Oh, The Levels Of Stupid’: Ben Shapiro Torches MSNBC Host Over Remarks About Conservative Legal Views 

MSNBC host Katy Tur asked if a conservative legal philosophy was appropriate in 2018, given that the nation—in her view—has become more progressive. It’s “not 1776,” she added.

Shame on her bosses for choosing to inflict this moron on their viewers. What amazes me is that they still have any. Which again speaks to ideology over intellect.

Kurt Schlichter points out what both the left and the right see plainly – or at least the brighter ones do.

Image result for monkey cartoon imagesKurt Schlichter: It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

Donald Trump goes to Europe, scandalizes the Euroweenies, libs, and cruise-shilling grifters of Never Trump, and comes back victorious. He’s about to get his second SCOTUS justice confirmed – all they have on Brett Kavanaugh is that he likes beer and is named “Brett.”

In Congress, the Democrats decided to go all in on abolishing ICE because Americans love open borders and welcome MS-13 or something.

In the Mueller farce, the Dems decided that the smart play was to publicly run interference for creepy weirdo Peter Strzok when he went on national TV doing his impression of Lotion Boy from Silence of the Lambs.

Meanwhile politicians and really stupid voters have allowed the left to turn one of the most beautiful cities in our country into a literal sh*thole. The kind of place we once associated with 3rd world countries is now a stench on our west coast.

The Left-wing Paradise of San Francisco

Represented in Congress by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and run for years by almost all Democrats, San Francisco should be a mecca for the left. But the city is fast becoming one of the worst places in the U.S. to live.

The homeless problem is out of control. Experts say it “could exceed some of the dirtiest slums in the world.” There are around 7,500 homeless people in the city. Human feces is strewn across public areas. The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit examined over 150 blocks of downtown San Francisco and found 96 blocks littered with feces. San Francisco’s new mayor, London Breed, observed, “there are more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here.” She says that a cleaning crew will clean up an area, but “right after they leave, maybe an hour or two later, the place is filled with trash again.”

No matter how much dishonest monkey business the left and their mouthpieces in the Image result for monkey cartoon imagesmedia spew it is not possible to blame this mess on the Republicans. They will try and some of those on the left with the intellect of dry toast crumbs will go along because that’s what they do. Monkey hear and monkey spew.

For older people like me it is almost impossible to believe that the Mayor of a major city is talking about feces on the streets of their city. What kind of leadership allowed this to happen?

What kind of a country has a porn star as a media star? What kind of a political party is so obsessed with abortion that they would be better named the Abortocrats? Why would blacks support a party that has encouraged the killing of millions of their pre-born children? Planned Parenthood kills more black babies in one week than the KKK killed in 100 years. Think about that.

The amount of monkey business in our culture these days is enough to make you give up on the human race. I keep telling myself that the people that disgust me so much are few in number but very vocal and supported by a corrupt and biased media.

I am an optimist by nature and a cynic by observation. What I am observing makes it difficult for my optimistic side to remain optimistic.

But today is another day and this is a brand new week. Perhaps the monkeys will go back to the zoo and stop running for office and writing columns and having “news” shows on television.

I wish you well. I wish you hope. I wish you clouds with silver linings.


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22 Responses to “Monkey Business 🐒”

  1. kenoshamarge Says:

    Cops see boy running around park in socks with bloody foot. What they do next will warm your heart.

    The young boy, who was sporting the torn and dirty socks, also had a cut on his foot, which was freely bleeding, according to the post.

    When asked by police officers why the young boy wasn’t wearing any shoes, the child responded that he didn’t have any shoes because he’d outgrown his last pair and had no more pairs that fit him anymore.

    Upon hearing the young boy’s sad story, one of the officers got the young boy’s shoe size and ran out to purchase a pair of shoes for the little one — and he even came back with popsicles as an additional treat.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      What a wonderful story, Marge! Thank you for this. This is what MOST police officers are like,despite the rantings and ravings of the Left. They SERVE and protect.

      Beautiful! Thank you!

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Isn’t that the truth.

        And note the riots in Chicago because of a police officer shooting a man. Body cam shows the man was trying to pull a gun. But the riots and pretense of victim-hood continue.

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          I am really glad the police released the video ASAP to prove to all of these riot-mongers and victim perpetrators that this man was ARMED and abt to draw on the police. I am so tired of the immediate reaction of a criminal being a VICTIM when he is killed as a direct result of his own actions.

          And not for nothing, but someone does not need to be armed to be killed, or at least they didn’t have to be until the Dems/BLM in the past few years (thanks, Obama – “Trayvon Martin could have been my son…” and thus was the victimhood of criminals facing consequences from their violent behavior born).

          And where are the riots and demonstrations for all of the POLICE OFFICERS who have been gunned down recently, huh? Ahem.

    • kinthenorthwest Says:

      OK Keno you supposed to make me laugh when I come here not cry..
      What an awesome story…

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        But this is the kind of crying that feels good, isn’t it?

        I need frequent reminding that there are a lot more good people than there are bad. Stories like this help the optimist in me.

        • kinthenorthwest Says:

          It does…& I bring bad news to the site…
          But news I think people need to see.
          Thank you again for the story.

  2. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Excellent piece, Marge – thanks for this! You hit the nail on the head abt the media and the ridiculous Left. Schlichter is right- Trump is lucky indeed to have such ignorant enemies!

    Well done!

  3. kenoshamarge Says:

    • kinthenorthwest Says:

      Sad thing is that it is probably a legitimate question from many young liberals.

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Well if some of them think we fought the Revolutionary War against Canada in the 1800s to free the slaves…

  4. kenoshamarge Says:

    Derek Hunter: A Russian Ham Sandwich

    If there’s one thing Special Counsel Robert Mueller is exceedingly good at it is indicting Russians over whom he has zero jurisdiction. Mueller had previously indicted 13 Russian individuals and companies, and Friday he added 12 more to the list.

    It’s a neat little trick – bring charges against people you’ll never get in court, therefore you’ll never have to prove them. This allows Mueller and his team to say they’re “doing something,” that the American people are getting something for the millions his investigation has cost us, while not having to actually prove anything.

    Maybe there is something to these charges. I don’t know, and to be honest, I don’t care. I do know the old saying that a prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich, proving those charges are something else entirely.

  5. kenoshamarge Says:

  6. kinthenorthwest Says:

    Ok don’t want to double post — Did a post get lost in the muck it was a reply to amy.

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I don’t know – I can’t find it – maybe when Amy checks in she will – she’s so much more tech savy than I am.

  7. kenoshamarge Says:

    Trump SLAMS His Own Intelligence Agencies, Insists Putin Might Be Right That Russia Didn’t Hack Hillary

    For me, file this one under very bad Trump. And be honest – if Obama, scratch that, when Obama went abroad and trashed this country we were outraged. This should be no different.

    And I don’t care if some of what he says is true – you don’t say it overseas and you sure as hell don’t say it to Putin. Trump’s big mouth just played right into the Demcrats hands.

    I am disgusted.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      I watched the entire press conference with Trump and Putin.

      The question from a Reuters reporter seemed intended to put Trump into a negative position from the get go with the way it was framed, and with Trump standing right beside the President of Russia. The outrage had Trump started talking smack abt another Leader when Putin was standing RIGHT THERE would have gotten Trump ripped by all for clearly being clueless abt protocol, the impact of international relations, etc., etc., etc. If he launched into an attack against Putin, he would have undone whatever work he just spent 2 hours doing. All to answer some reporter’s “gotcha!” question.

      It was a trap question and no matter how Trump answered it, he was going to get hammered for it. If he attacked Russia it would be a diplomacy nightmare and a waste of the Summit. If he lauded how great our Intelligence is given all the revelations over the past year abt them, along with their ongoing attempts to take down Trump and those associated with him, he would have been attacked and ridiculed for that. I don’t think he was going to win for losing with the question posed. And I think that was the intent of the reporter.

      But I do get your point, and yes – it would have been better to ask for the next question and moved on…

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Oh, but wait – Trump did send out a Tweet saying he has said a number of times that he supports the Intelligence Community – so there is that. Ahaha. Ahem.

        He also said that at this point, we needed to move forward already: “We must get along.”

        Jesse Watters just noted what Trump SHOULD have said – abt how yes, Russia meddled, our Intelligence said so, no votes were changed, he won fair and square, Putin denies it, let’s move on. But he couldn’t say all of that and not unravel what he had just done.

        • kenoshamarge Says:

          Okay – not as bad as I thought. But bad enough. The problem with Trump – far too often – is that he doesn’t speak plainly and clearly and seems to come from a place where everything is about him.

          As always I must rein in my anger and remind myself that you need to watch what Trump does not what he says. It’s hard since we are used to words being the way to communicate best – but actually words are easy, doing is hard. We’ll see. I hope you interpretation is right.

          And I should make it clear that I did not and do not for one small second of time believe in the outrage mob screaming “treason”. What utter hogwash! If Obama’s words weren’t treason then Trump’s certainly weren’t! The hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

          • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

            I know exactly what you mean, Marge, abt words. So, so true.

            I have a post forthcoming tomorrow abt NATO and Russia, but your comment abt having to watch what Trump DOES rather than what he SAYS is precisely what Greg Gutfeld said. And he added that none of us knows what was said during that private meeting. And that it is a custom to allow your adversary to save face in PUBLIC, but deal with it in private. I imagine that is very much what Trump was doing, which is why I thought the question was inappropriate in the first place. (And if you listen to the reporter’s voice, you could tell he knew he was really pushing it by asking what he did, but no doubt he will be popular with the DC set back home for the way he phrased things and tried to set Trump up.)

            That said, I imagine Trump is just pissed off at our Intelligence community for the fake dossiers (there is more than one), the constant drumbeat against him abt Russia, the machinations of high level officials, and more. That is NOT an excuse or a justification, not at all. Despite all of the crap they have done, he should have been the bigger man, and defended our people. He didn’t totally ream them, I might add, and he did say that was all behind us and we need to move on. As he noted, the USA and Russia hold 90% of nuclear missiles. So yeah – moving on and not going to attack the Russian President in front of the world.

            No kidding abt the whole “treason” thing. Really? When we enabled the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Egypt even though their first tenet is the destruction of the USA, did ANY of those same people scream treason? Because a case could sure be made…

            But what he did say doesn’t rise to that level by a lot. Yep – hypocrites!

            My bet is that the media didn’t like being called out for not doing their jobs on the DNC/DCCC/Pakistani DNC IT guy/Clinton server more so decided to go utterly ballistic.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Abby Huntsman, the daughter of the Ambassador to Russia and former Utah Governor, just said what you said, Marge – you never say anything against America while abroad.

      They were also saying this morning on Fox and Friends that an aide of Trump’s says he has a hard time distinguishing between meddling and the collusion claim – for him, they are one and the same. That makes his answer make more sense – if he acknowledged Russia meddled, to him that would be tantamount to admitting collusion.

      I was surprised by his answer too, and i don’t like Presidents speaking against the USA ANYTIME. That said, given the way the Intelligence community has targeted Trump, something with which Obama NEVER had to deal, though he should have, can also understand the higher ups aren’t his faves (though he routinely has commended the rank and file).

      Sigh. All the good that may have happened has been unraveled all because of this one answer. This happens every single time Trump does something positive – it immediately gets spun up into TREASON, or some such claim. He helped this time, no doubt abt it. But still. Wow.

  8. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    This is very good, and telling, news abt the USA and CO2 emissions:

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