⏱️Time For A Break


Politics are so corrupt and slimy in this country that I can barely stand to read about what’s happening.

It’s time for me to step back a little. Time to spend less time on all the disgusting things happening in this our beloved country. Time to be aware but not obsessed. And I have always been obsessed with politics. Now, I am more disgusted than obsessed.

I used to spend hours a day on politics. Now I spend an hour or so. I will always seek to be aware. Beyond that, no longer.

Let us all do what we can do and always seek the truth. I want to be informed – not obsessed.

I find my blood pressure has lowered somewhat. and that’s a good thing.

I will continue my cartoon and meme hunts for their truth and for the fun of it.

I’ll still comment and post articles in the comments but not as much as I have done.

To tell the truth just the sound, or sight of the names Biden or Trump and many others nauseates me. So does most of the rest of cockroaches in office, in government, in media, in sports, in entertainment and in the voting public.

God Bless Us all and help us find our way.


This is an open thread. 🧵

14 Responses to “⏱️Time For A Break”

  1. kenoshamarge Says:
  2. kenoshamarge Says:

    Ric Grenell exposes Jack Smith as the king of sleaze

    By Monica Showalter

    Ric Grenell, President Trump’s former ambassador to Germany, and Director of National Intelligence, knows a thing or two about Jack Smith, having lived in Europe when Smith was active in prosecuting war crimes in The Hague.

    Now that Smith has been caught tampering with evidence in his case against President Trump, Grenell’s put out a devastating series of tweets about Smith’s history of dishonest behavior.


  3. kenoshamarge Says:
  4. kenoshamarge Says:

    Victor Davis Hanson – The End of Old Left-wing Mythologies


    • kenoshamarge Says:

      “When pro-Hamas thugs chase Jews into libraries, block their entrances on campus, and scream “beat the Jew” as they hit piñatas, they do not first ask Jews whether they support Israel—because they could care less. For the Islamist Middle Easterner on a student visa or green card and his useful American student, it is enough that their targets are Jewish—period.” – VDH

  5. kenoshamarge Says:
  6. kenoshamarge Says:
  7. kenoshamarge Says:

    Corey DeAngelis Takes Public Schools APART By Explaining What We Should REALLY Call Them and DAAAMN Son


  8. kenoshamarge Says:
  9. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    While rampant anti-semitism has taken over our country, today Israel held their moment of remembrance for the 6 million Jews killed in WWII:


    • kenoshamarge Says:

      It is incomprehensible to me that antisemitism runs rampant in our country.

      I still believe there are more good, decent Americans than the thugs that have taken over our streets and colleges. But too many are ignorant and too many stay silent.

      I thank God every day for those who refuse to accept such behavior.

      Those Jews that still vote Dem need to remember those in Germany who refused to believe a “civilized” country like Germany would murder them in the millions.

      I once would have said never here. Now…

      Guess we should be glad the left is so inept the trains don’t run on time.

  10. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    ”Despicable” does not even begin to cover these people.


    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I have a fairly good vocabulary and I can’t think of any words to describe those cockroaches that I use since I quite swearing. Disgusting comes close.

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