Pros And Cons Of Obamacare *Open Thread* UPDATED


Update at the bottom of the post.

“Pros to Obamacare,” you might ask? Well, yes, if you are in a union. No doubt you remember the brouhaha the Unions raised when they realized they were going to be held to the same standards as the rest of Americans, even though they spent a boatload of money supporting Obama – twice. They were none too happy about it, and threw a BIG ol’ hissy fit at the White House.

Well, their tantrum seems to have paid off. After initially telling them to get over it, Obama seems to have figured out a way to pay off another group of supporters, elevating them above the rest of their fellow citizens. Megyn Kelly has the story in the video below (h/t Helenk):

Can you believe that?? A $600 MILLION payoff while regular Americans are being faced with much higher premiums and higher deductibles?? This is simply outrageous. And again, the PRESIDENT cannot make these changes unilaterally. The law applies to everyone, or no one. Cannot have it both ways, Obama. (If you prefer to read the details, you can click here.)

UGH, this makes me so mad. So over the political machinations of this president and the Democrats to pay off their cronies. But it’s a real Pro to have prostituted yourself for this President and his flagrant lies about Obamacare, as it turns out.

But there are also Cons to Obamacare as we know. But what we just found out on Wednesday during additional testimony from Kathleen Sebellius is the effect Cons, as in CONVICTS, can have on Obamacare. As it turns out convicted felons can get a job as an Obamacare Navigator:

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted Wednesday that it was possible convicted felons could be hired as ObamaCare ‘navigators,’ giving them access to personal information like Social Security numbers and addresses of anyone signing up for the program.


“Isn’t it true that there is no federal requirement for navigators to undergo a criminal background check,” Cornyn asked her.

“That is true,” Sebelius answered. “States could add in additional background checks and other features, but it is not part of the federal requirement.”

Cornyn pressed, “So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?”

Sebelius answered, “This is possible.” […] (Click here to read the rest.)

Oh, this is just awesome and I am sure will instill tremendous faith in this new system. Surely you will be more than willing to provide your Social Security number and other personal information on this fabulous website knowing how few safeguards are in place for those applying, right?? Right?? I mean, really – it’s fine, folks, just trust them! Ahem.

And speaking of signing up for Obamacare, the numbers continue to underwhelm. Well, that’s if you can even get on. As it turns out, the site can only handle 1,100 people at a TIME. No, seriously – that’s all:

A test on a central component to the ObamaCare website conducted the day before launch revealed that the system could only handle 1,100 concurrent users before overloading, according to internal documents released by House Republicans.

“Currently we are able to reach 1,100 users before response time gets too high,” reads the document, released by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (D-Calif.).

The report also indicated that government contractors began working to “tune” the system to “handle maximum load” following the test. It also found that contractors tasked with running the site planned “more thorough testing” designed to reach targets of 10,000 simultaneous users in the days following the launch.[…] (Click here to read the rest.)

Wow, they are hoping to get at least 10,000 on at one time? REALLY?? Do they not realize that MILLIONS use sites like Amazon at once with no problems. Perhaps they should have gotten some kid who lives in his/her parents’ basement to craft this website. It would HAVE to be better than what we have going on now at the expense of hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars.

The numbers of those able, or willing, to sign up is still extraordinarily low. Delaware has a whopping FOUR people. You read that right – FOUR people out of the entire state have signed up. Meanwhile, the rest of us are paying more, or have lost our coverage. That’s just jake.

What a crock. I hope those who will be voting in 2014 are not fooled by the recent, ABRUPT, change of heart by those who were all gung-ho for this law before (talking about you, Sen. Mary Landrieu, among others). I hope they don’t buy into their new-found drive to make changes to the law when they dismissed Senator Enzi’s plan out of hand in 2010.

Turns out, Enzi was right in a BIG way. From Townhall:

His Democratic colleagues ignored him. Others even mocked him. But, now, congressmen who accused him of fearmongering are holding their tongues, for everything Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wy.) predicted about Obamacare has turned out to be true. Megyn Kelly brought Sen. Enzi on her show Tuesday to list for viewers his completely accurate warnings back in September 2010.

1. “Americans will eventually be forced to buy the kind of health insurance the federal government thinks you should have.”


2. “Employers will be less likely to hire new workers and probably even lay off workers.”


3. “Most businesses the administration estimates between 39 and 69 percent will not be able to keep the coverage that they have.”


4. “This new regulation appears to ignore the impact it will have in the real world. it’ll drive up costs and reduce the number of people who will have insurance.”


I’d say he nailed it. Those sixteen Senators who made a beeline to the White House on Wednesday pushing for some changes will hopefully be held to account for their previous refusals to address these concerns. They deserve to be relieved of duty after saddling us, well, MOST of us, with this monstrosity of a law.

Seems to me there are far more Cons than Pros with this law. Now it’s your turn to weigh in!

UPDATE: The Daily Caller has more on those 4 people who signed up for Obamacare in Delaware. Wanna guess how much it cost? Oh, you’ll be DELIGHTED at the use of your taxpaying dollars: Delaware boasts 4 Obamacare enrollees at $1 million a pop. Yep, a MILLION DOLLARS A PIECE!!!!!!!! Awesome, just freakin’ awesome. What a WONDERFUL program this is, huh? Yeah. Right. Click here to read the rest.

56 Responses to “Pros And Cons Of Obamacare *Open Thread* UPDATED”

  1. helenk3 Says:

    not only can obamacare navigators possibly be convicts, one contractor is using foreign nationals here on visas to take your information.
    this was just announced on FOX.I am sure more info will come out about this sometime today

  2. helenk3 Says:

    South Carolina looking at passing bill to nullify Obamacare

    gotta love South Carolina

  3. helenk3 Says:

    backtrack built that

  4. helenk3 Says:

    Nov 13 &14th grid down scenario. grid testing

  5. helenk3 Says:

    dems panicking over obamacare. backtrack takes the don’t worry you’ve got me posture

  6. helenk3 Says:


    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      The author is absolutely right. Their refusal to help Cuccinelli lost VA for the first time in DECADES just in time to help the Dems in 2016. And they allowed a decent man to be smeared by a man who,a s you have pointed out, is under investigation for his under handed doings. Nice. Don’t know what in the HELL they could possibly have been thinking…

  7. helenk3 Says:

    sebelius bombshell—employer based plans will face same grandfathering caveats as lost plans

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      UH, yeah – I think that’s what folks are finding out now. Surprise!!!

      I swear, is it really so difficult for these people to just tell the truth? It seems as if lying has become a chronic disease for them…

  8. helenk3 Says:

    not only in America has backtrack become an incompetent laughing stock but worldwide he is considered weak. Putin is taking the best opportunity in his lifetime to become the major world leader

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Remember when Obama was campaigning on making us respected in the world again after Bush? Yeah, he’s done a bang up job in that regard.

  9. Katherine B. Says:

    Judge Napolitano said it all when he concluded that it would be cheaper (and less disruptive) if the Feds just picked up the tab for everyone who was uninsured. Someone else on TV yesterday said that pre-Obamacare 85% of the population had health care coverage, so why have we been put through all of this upheaval for 15% of the population.

    And then I read somewhere that when doctors see Medicaid patients they purposefully double book the appointments because so many of those patients just don’t show up.

    I’m becoming less and less sympathetic to the so-called poor.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      YES! Exactly right!!! Why are we going through all of this? And not for noting, but they also have said from the very beginning that not everyone was going to be covered ANYWAY, even with this law. We are now learning that is the case in a big way. Yet, many of us have had a tremendous increase in premiums and taxes as a result of this new law.

      Gee, to think that all we had to do was be in the AFL/CIO or something then our wishes would be Obama’s command.

      I hear ya. I have genuine sympathy for the working poor, for those who are truly trying to improve their lot in life. I have less sympathy for those trying to milk the system, who think they are entitled to the wages of others. THAT bothers me. Now that our nation has tipped the scales with more people getting some kind of government assistance than are working to pay for that assistance, you know we are in trouble.

  10. helenk3 Says:

    pro obamacare team trains reporters covering website problems


  11. Katherine B. Says:

    I watched the Kelly File last night and what I found astounding was the guy who pointed out that by canceling the millions of Individual plans because they don’t pass Obamacare muster and forcing those folks into the exchanges the Obama administration would magically come up with the numbers they need to be able to say it was financially sound. So it’s actually a shell game. I was floored by this analysis. Couldn’t anyone else in the MSM figure this out and report on it too.

    I feel like the entire country is in a hornet’s nest of lies, fraud, cheating and deception. All those Dems up for re-election who want Obamacare delayed for a year don’t care about the American people. They just want to get past the next election so they can keep their seats. After that, too bad for us.

    And, Amy, thank you for calling my attention to the article on the young healthies and for your analysis of the VA gov. race. I hadn’t been watching it all that closely but I did hear about the Libertarian candidate being funded by the Dem donor.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Katherine, that’s just it – it is a shell game. That sums it up perfectly. And you know others in the MSM had to know this, but chose not to deal with it lest it affect Obama’s re-election. Now he’s in, and there’s nothing we can do abt it. They had to know that abt the shell game though, don’t you think?

      No doubt abt the Dems wanting to make changes now, or talking to Obama abt how bad the law is, just so they can get re-elected. It is hard to not be completely cynical abt this, or despair that anything will change. There are a few people who actually do seem to want to do right by the country, but they are in such a minority, it is next to impossible for them to have the impact that would be best for US.

      My pleasure, Katherine! It seemed timely since we had just been discussing that very issue. 🙂

  12. helenk3 Says:

    sebelius to make an important announcement during a speech in Atlanta tomorrow

  13. helenk3 Says:

    some obamacare cartoons

  14. helenk3 Says:

    backtrack thanks navigators after sebelius admits they could be felons

    random thought

    can you picture any company getting a resume from one of these navigators. do they or don’t they have a record

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      He thanks them for WHAT, exactly?? Serving their time?? Sheesh. In general, what have navigators done for which they should be thanked? Good grief. Let’s just go ahead and praise people for nothing. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place – praising kids for doing nothing, giving them trophies, and praising mediocrity. Awesome.

    • mcnorman Says:

      I read somewhere today that they have outsourced to foreign paid workers with visas and uncheckable backgrounds. That makes me feel so much better knowing that they have all that personal information. Snowden and the NSA couldn’t have conceived a better way to screw the public.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Yeah, I heard that too, mcnorman. Can you believe that? It is really just staggering. And it makes it that much more laughable when Sebellius claims they are taking ALL these steps to make our info safe. Sure. Right.

    • Justine Says:

      Don’t you think they just rehired a lot of Acorn workers?

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Yes, I do, and the evidence is there to support that supposition. I had a post that mentioned this recently, the new organizations that are basically revamped ACORN groups. They go hand in hand with the unions, too…

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          Oops – sorry if this sounded snippy – it wasn’t in my head when I wrote it quickly this morning. Just supporting your position, justine – spot on!

  15. helenk3 Says:

    this dem’s concerned for the people he is supposed to represent is just so underwhelming.

    poster boy for today’s democratic party

  16. helenk3 Says:

    good idea

  17. helenk3 Says:

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Obama’s visit to promote health care law: ‘… he’s coming to Texas in a desperate attempt to salvage his ill-conceived and unpopular program from a Titanic fate by preaching expansion of the same Medicaid system he himself admits is broken’ – statement via @NBCNews

  18. helenk3 Says:

    but they still cover his a$$ and try to clean up his sh-t

    you can not fix stupid

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      You are spot on, Helenk. They still carry his water no matter HOW poorly he treats them. Of course, that could be said for the entire AA community which continues to support him even though their community has suffered MORE under Obama. People. Sheesh.

  19. foxyladi14 Says:

    So true Helen, 😦

  20. helenk3 Says:

    FBI expects healthcare fraud skyrocket under obamacare

    I think it would be prudent to listen to them

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Uh yeah – I have NO doubt abt that. From all reports, this thing is going to be a hacker/scammer paradise…

  21. mcnorman Says:

    This is ugly.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, AWESOME. This reality hasn’t stopped people from still making fun of Palin for saying it. Never mind that Howard Dean has said the same thing abt them. Anyway, I guess they’ll believe it when it starts happening to them or their parents or grandparents…

  22. Katherine B. Says:

    The Daily Caller is reporting that in an interview for NBC tonight Obama is set to apologize to those who have lost their plans. He also offers to pay for their new premiums and deductibles out of his own pocket – NO I just made up that second sentence! You on the east coast may already have seen the interview.

  23. helenk3 Says:

    backtrack refuses to say if he has confidence in sebelius

    here come the bus, here come the bus

  24. helenk3 Says:

    were the democrats always the “Don’t Blame Me” party and I just did not see it? I have never seen grown people refuse to accept blame for their actions like this bunch. Little kids will try to blame others ,but they are caught they will admit what they did not the backtrack bunch

  25. helenk3 Says:

    this man was on the Megan Kelly show tonight.
    cancer patient has his insurance coverage cancelled due to obamacare. new plan so expensive he is going to pay mandate fine and let nature take it’s course.

    a really bad direction for this country

    • Justine Says:

      So, if you pay the penalty, are you covered by anything?
      [Ignorant, I know…]

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        I don’t think so – I think you are still without coverage. But for young people, at least for the first couple of years, paying $95 is better than paying a ton in premiums and high deductibles. What a great plan – NOT!

  26. helenk3 Says:

    backtrack admits he is stacking courts with liberal activist judges.

    there will be no branch of government that represents the people of this country by the time the dems get done

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