Cartoons on Tuesday 🖍️


Here’s your Tuesday serving of cartoons.










































The pilgrims did not restrict themselves to all-black attire and, actually, wore brightly colored clothing most of the time. Their black outfits were worn on the sabbath and on occasions known as Days of Humiliation when they would repent of their sins and ask forgiveness. In their daily lives, their wardrobes were fairly extensive, and various articles were of many different colors. This has been established through the inventories of personal possessions written up for probate after a death. Although Pilgrim Fathers such as William Bradford (l. 1590-1657), William Brewster (l. 1568-1644) and Edward Winslow (l. 1595-1655) are routinely depicted in their dark pilgrim garb, their inventories show a much brighter side.

Bradford was fond of a scarlet waistcoat and violet cloak, Brewster favored different colored caps, a violet coat, and green underwear, and Winslow, like many of the others, wore russet garments (a vest or cloak) over a white linen shirt.

Contrary to the traditional images, the pilgrims did not wear tall, black hats with buckles on them, nor did they have buckles on their shoes; this image is a 19th-century construct. Buckles were unavailable to the common people of England c. 1620, and even if they had been, the pilgrims frowned on ornamentation of any kind.


That’s all for now.

Be well and beware the crazies! Crazy Tongue Hanging Out emoticon

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16 Responses to “Cartoons on Tuesday 🖍️”

  1. kenoshamarge Says:

    Maelstrom: Hooded figures break into Columbia buildings, take hostages; UCLA protestors block Jewish students from classes

    By Monica Showalter

    Now pro-Hamas protestors are taking over school buildings and taking hostages.

    Last night, hooded men crawled up the university building known as John Jay Hall where the administrators work and got out hammers to smash glass to break into the building, barricading it with junked furniture, and taking three maintenance workers in the building hostage.

    And like the Munich Olympics terrorists of 1972, they put on their black masked skinsuit ensembles and crawled up into a freshman student dorm full of 18 year olds called Hamilton Hall and took it over.

  2. kenoshamarge Says:
    • kenoshamarge Says:

      Noem isn’t as smart as she thinks she is.

      In the America of 2024 you can have a dozen abortions but shoot a dog…

  3. kenoshamarge Says:
  4. kenoshamarge Says:

    Woke Scolds Won’t Be Able to Cancel Jerry Seinfeld

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I never cared much for Seinfeld or Blazing Saddles.

      I also never thought that because I didn’t like them that others shouldn’t watch them.

  5. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Uh, yeah – no wonder the Left wants to silence ANY discussion of the 2020 Election:

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      It’s obvious to anyone who takes an honest look that there was massive cheating. Was it enough to change the election? Who knows without an open and honest election.

      One suspects it must have been enough or why would the left be working so hard to keep ANY investigation from happening?

  6. kenoshamarge Says:
  7. kenoshamarge Says:
  8. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    How it it that this man even has any power whatsoever given that this position is not even legitimate. Glad he’s getting some comeuppance:

  9. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Dr. Jacobson lays out this death cult affecting our young people:

  10. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:
  11. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    What a FASCINATING “Did You Know?” segment you had today! No, I didn’t know ANY of that!!! Wow, Marge! That is incredible. Dang!

    Awesome cartoons you have for us today too, as usual. Thanks!

  12. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    This is beyond heartbreaking. It’s appalling. Christians being persecuted, massacred, and having their lands stolen from them in Nigeria. The gov’t is doing next to nothing for them. I can only SMH in disbelief and horror at what’s happening there:

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