Whatcha Thinking, Bring Us, And Running *Weekend Open Thread*


Hello, dear friends. I hope this past week has been a good one for you. And I wonder, whatcha thinking? What kinds of thoughts go through your head? I imagine it depends on what has just happened, or what you just read, or what you saw.

I know for me all kinds of things flow through my head on a regular basis. I assume it’s the same for you. 

I ask because I have been listening to Matt Fradd’s, “Pints With Aquinas,” specifically with two Orthodox monastics, Mother Natalia and Mother Gabriella:

Their discussion was extensive and covered a number of areas, and one such area was our thoughts. This came from a book they were reading (around the 45 minute mark, I believe it is).

Mother Natalia asked Matt if he watched much Star Trek. That struck me, in a warm way, because my sister who just passed was a HUGE Star Trek fan, having been actively involved in Star Trek conventions for forty years.

Anyway, Mother Natalia mentioned a Star Trek Voyager episode in which the Starfleet members went to a world where people didn’t speak, they read each other’s thoughts. 

Holy moly. Just think about THAT for a second. Yikes, yikes, yikes. 

Anyway, yes – holy moly. People would be arrested for bad thoughts towards others. Thinking something alone was a sufficient crime to be arrested and charged.

Hmmm. Again, yikes. But think about this, as Mother Natalia highlighted: Jesus basically said something about that very thing. Oh, yes He did. From Matthew 5:28:

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Thoughts alone can constitute a crime. Crap.

The Mothers referenced a book, “Our Thoughts Determine Our lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica,” a Serbian monastic. In it, Elder Thaddeus noted that even thinking something about a neighbor, like punching them, for instance, was the same thing as actually punching them. 

Ruh roh.

I have to tell you, when they gave this example, was I ever convicted in my heart. Just this past weekend, neighbors across the street were having a backyard party. After the kids left, the parents were hanging out playing loud inappropriate music. Not only was I annoyed by the music itself, but that they would be such thoughtless jerks, especially since they have kids. (I should say, our houses aren’t particularly close to each other in this neighborhood, hence an indication of how loud their gross rap crap was. And it was just surprising as all get out that this pickup truck driving guy played this kinds of music. Go figure. Made me want to call the very good realtor in our neighborhood. Ahem.

So, I am sure after reading the above, you can see why my spirit was just a TAD convicted when I heard them talk about this book. Yeah.

I mean, we are people. We get irritated with strangers, friends, and loved ones. We just do. But how do we change up those thoughts? How do we let those negative ones go, and re-focus on the positive? Turning to God. Saying a quick prayer to let go of whatever irritation or frustration is making you thing thoughts of wanting to smack someone upside their heads, as we say down South. We’ll have those thoughts, no doubt. But if we turn to Jesus, let the Holy Spirit speak in our hearts, we can let go of those thoughts pretty quickly. 

I mean, really – it doesn’t do us any good to keep rehashing things in our heads, over and over and over. I am guilty of that for sure. But stopping that repetitive negativity, those negative thoughts, and turning to the Love of God will make such a huge difference in your life, and in your heart. Seriously. If your heart is full of love, it’s going to reflect outwards. So, next time you catch yourselves thinking mean thoughts, note it, and bring it to Jesus. Then let it go and let Him have it.

God is so good. He is just so good to us. And He brings so much to us, as reflected in this beautiful piece:


Isn’t that just so beautiful? And the message is so meaningful, too. Thank God. 

As for the “Running” part of this post, I am actually at the Kentucky Oaks and Derby this weekend for the first time in my life. This is the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby, which is just neat to be a part of in my small way. It’s a race I always watched with my mom, and, well, it’s the Kentucky Derby! To be able to go in person is a total bucket list item.

And in full disclosure, I have shares in a horse who will be in the Pat Day Mile race (he JUST missed getting into the Derby). I am thrilled that he’s racing on this auspicious occasion, even if he just missed the Derby. Still, it’s a big deal and I can’t wait for that race. As always, I pray all horses return home safe and sound, and same for the jockeys.

All that is to say, because I will be at Churchill Downs all day, I might not get to comments quickly. But I will be checking them, so please feel free to comment on whatever you wish.

That’s it for me, dear friends! Have good thoughts (!), and may God bless and keep you!

This is the Weekend Open Thread.



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32 Responses to “Whatcha Thinking, Bring Us, And Running *Weekend Open Thread*”

  1. kenoshamarge Says:

    This post comes at an appropriate time. Yesterday I had one of those days when if anything could go wrong – it did.

    WordPress, for reasons all its own, dropped over half the cartoons on my Cartoon Friday post and I had to redo it.

    The arthritis in my hands was the worst it has ever been and it seemed every thing I picked up – I dropped. Then I had to pick it up and my curvature of the spine doesn’t make that easy. Usually I just use a “grabber” but did I mention my hands couldn’t hang onto anything?

    My bad knee was really weak and every time I stood up to get from one place to another I felt like I would fall. My oxygen level was around 82 so I was having trouble breathing.

    I wouldn’t want anyone to have read my thoughts – enough self-pity and complaining was coming out of my mouth.

    I’m sure God still loved me and I, of course, still loved him, but I’m sure we were both a tad disappointed in each other.

    Then I started getting small pains in my chest.

    I had temper-tantrumed myself into annoying my heart.

    It was telling me to knock it off.

    Frightened, and ashamed, I did.

    God, I’m sure, forgave me and I , begrudedly at the time, forgave him, having never stopped loving him.

    The whole point, and I do have one, it that we are all going to have bad days. Even really bad days. And we are going to think and say things we will later regret.

    So isn’t it wonderful that Jesus died on the cross so that our sins are forgiven.

    For those of us who aren’t biblical scholars – the wonder of that is the greatest wonder of all.

    We believe and in that belief, in that faith – we are saved.

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      Sorry, didn’t mean to babble.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, my dear Marge – I am sorry you had such a bad day, with your arthritis worse than ever, your WAY TOO LOW oxygen levels, and then your heart jumping in on the action. Holy moly, what a day!!

      And of COURSE you were a little irritated and wondering what the Sam Hill was going on in your thoughts to God.

      But God can take our grumblings and frustrations, gently (and sometimes not so gently) reminding us that He is with us, He understands our pain (and how – what Jesus experienced on His way to Golgatha was beyond barbaric at the hands of the Romans), and He loves us. He is walking with us. He never leaves our side, even when we are mad, frustrated, sad, or all of the above.

      I hope and pray that today is a MUCH better day for you, dear friend!

  2. kenoshamarge Says:
  3. kenoshamarge Says:

    America’s Jenga Tower of Power

    By J.B. Shurk

    majority of Americans believe that mail-in ballot fraud tainted the 2020 election, but most state and federal officials continue to pretend the results were aboveboard.

      A majority of Americans wish to put an end to mass illegal immigration, but the Department of Homeland (in)Security continues to do nothing to protect our borders from foreign invasion.  

    majority of Americans are worried about rising inflation, but the federal government continues to print and spend money and issue costly regulations. 

     A majority of Americans oppose widespread government surveillance programs that intrude upon their privacy, but elected officials continue to give the Intelligence Blob full access to Americans’ most sensitive records and communications, in total disregard for the Constitution’s protections against warrantless searches.

      A majority of Americans distrust mainstream news sources, but prominent news organizations continue to push ideological propaganda at the expense of truthful and objective reporting. 


  4. kenoshamarge Says:

  5. kenoshamarge Says:

    Netanyahu to Blinken: Israel Will Not End War on Terror Group Hamas in Return For Hostage Deal


    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Nor should it. Israel cannot capitulate to these demands for their demise, which it surely would be. Hamas CONTINUES to show it is not an honest broker. It is a terrorist organization and why the USA or any country would demand Israel acquiesce to them is mind boggling.

      Just recently, the head of Hamas denied that there were any rapes when they attacked Israel recently. So yeah. No way should they agree to anything with Hamas, except that they must be summarily dealt with, in my opinion.

  6. vicgrefer Says:

    Pints is one of my favorite podcasts.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Welcome! Thanks for coming by!

      It’s such a great podcast. I am glad Hallow turned me on to it!

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I will give it a try. I sort of like Joe Rogan but his foul mouth tends to bother me. I tend to think those who have to “eff” this and “eff” that lack the vocabulary to articulate their point.

  7. kenoshamarge Says:

    Jewish Organizations Abruptly Pull Out of Meeting With Biden Admin After Addition of Left-Wing Groups

    Well-known Jewish organizations abruptly dropped out of a meeting with the Biden Department of Education after learning that several progressive groups would be attending.

    At least five Jewish organizations boycotted a high-profile meeting with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Friday because they refused to be involved with left-wing groups, including the Jewish activist group IfNotNow.


  8. kenoshamarge Says:

    It occurs to me that where once a college education was something to be proud of, in time it will not. A useful trade will be thought better than a Degree in Women’s Studies” taught by people that don’t know what a woman is and who think men should be able to compete in women’s sports.

  9. kenoshamarge Says:
  10. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Going to the Oaks and the Derby was truly an event of a lifetime, especially the 150th running.

    AND, my horse won the Pat Day Mile!


  11. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    So this case must be dismissed:


  12. kenoshamarge Says:

  13. kenoshamarge Says:
  14. kenoshamarge Says:

    Catholics’ support swings for Trump over Biden by significant margin: poll


    • kenoshamarge Says:

      Hearing Biden called a “cafeteria Catholic” by the Archbishop cracked me up.

      I think a great many Christians are of the same pick and choose persuasion.

      I usually just think of them as “superficial” Christians.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        It’s abt time! Sad that it took this Administration targeting Catholic Churches and promoting abortion up to birth and infanticide to do it, but hey – better late than never, right?

  15. kenoshamarge Says:

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