It’s Derby Day Saturday, And Mother’s Day Sunday *Weekend Open Thread*


Now, I know not everyone is a horse racing fan, but if you have been here for any amount of time, you know that I am. The beginning of the Triple Crown  horse racing season has officially begun with the Kentucky Derby on Saturday.

635818863849287334-rachels-valentina-morning-workout-kee-102315-001But before the Derby, there was the Kentucky Oaks, the fillies’ day. What a race it was, too. I was particularly excited to see one young filly run. That would be Rachel’s Valentina, the horse pictured here. Why? Because she is the daughter of the great Rachel Alexandra, who won this same race back in 2009 (Rachel Alexandra also won the Preakness that year, and was the Horse of the Year, and rightly so). That her daughter is now racing means a lot, though unfortunately, she did not repeat her mother’s feat. Oh well – there is always next year.

But the winner, Cathryn Sophia, did an amazing job. It was a great day of racing in general, and this race was exciting. Can’t ask for much more than that!

Then there is the Derby on Saturday, which will be aired on NBC and coverage starting around 4:00 p.m. (EST). The Derby itself will be run after 6:00 p.m. The favorite for this year is Nyquist, who is undefeated in 7 races.

I also like Creator because, well, he’s pretty:



Right?? Isn’t he so interesting looking? And hey, you just never know on a day who is going to beat the odds and take the win. It could happen! But I’ll be happy either way – Nyquist or Creator, and a few others on whom I have my eye. If you are interested, you can check out all the horses and their post positions HERE. One thing is for sure, it will be exciting as these races always are, though this is but one of the races being run all day. Check your local listings to see if you can get the earlier races, if you wish.

And of course, Sunday is Mother’s Day. Naturally, many of us think mothers should have more than one day, especially for all many mothers do, or have done. Sadly, many of us have also lost our mothers, some more recently than others. But their impact on our lives lives on, for which we are grateful indeed.

Whether your mother is still with us or has passed on, or if you have been blessed to be a mother yourself, this excellent P&G ad for Mother’s Day  is for you:

So moving and so powerful, I think. And it says so much with so few words…

I have to say, the ad also brought tears to my eyes as I reflected on all the many, many ways my mother’s influence impacted my life. I was blessed to have a wonderful, loving, funny, talented, compassionate, gracious mother who never met a stranger and welcomed any and everyone at her table. It was from her I inherited my crazy love of all animals, especially horses. I miss her every day still, but that’s okay – it just shows the depth of her importance in my life and how much her love and life impacted me. That goes for Mom’s mother too, who I favor a great deal. Granny was a wonderful, strong, determined, witty woman who was a nurse, not just as a job, but in her being. (My dad’s mother was also important in my life, but I lost her when I was a young teenager.)

And I am thankful indeed to have had the mother I did. I know not everyone had or has a good mother, and I regret that for those who are in that camp. I wish you could have known my mom because she would have adopted you right away. That’s how she rolled…

In any event, I do want to wish all of you who are mothers a VERY happy Mother’s Day. You deserve to have a special day not just today, but every day. How blessed are you, how blessed are your families, that you brought them into this world. This is for you:

Happy Mother’s Day to you all. If you are traveling, I hope you stay safe, have a good time, and return home safely.

Feel free to discuss any of the above, or whatever else is on your minds. This is the Weekend Open Thread.

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63 Responses to “It’s Derby Day Saturday, And Mother’s Day Sunday *Weekend Open Thread*”

  1. helenk3 Says:

    Gun Runner will run fast and furiously

  2. piper Says:

    Craig Gilbert of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this week noted that Trump’s average positive rating in Wisconsin polling is 25%. His average negative rating is 65%.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Gee – he has that much approval?? Ahem. Uh, yeah – not great numbers, huh? Tried t tell them…

  3. helenk3 Says:

    something to keep in mind

  4. helenk3 Says:

    so now what will congress do?

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I didn’t think anything could embarrass Chuck Schumer. Don’t you have to have some character to be embarrassed. Most politicians just lie and move on and are confident the short attention span of the public will soon be attracted by the next shiny thing.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Uh yeah. We all knew it was a big fat lie. Why Congress didn’t is beyond me. Good article!

      Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

  5. kenoshamarge Says:

    I actually resent Mother’s Day. I was 26 when my mother, who was 46, had a stroke and died from an aneurism. I was past all my silly adolescent rebellion and had found the best friend I had looked for all my life. She was right there in front of me where she had always been. My Mom.

    She was the best Grandma in the world and my kids barely had time to know her. They missed so much. The strict disciplinarian was suddenly a bowl of mush. But she still demanded and received respect. She was terrific!

    In the years since I think of all the things we never got to share. All the laughs because we both laughed at the same kind of silly things. In public and around some of our relatives we sometimes had to be very careful not to make eye contact lest we burst into laughter when we should not.

    We shared a love of reading and books which we both got from her mother. We both loved gardening and in the long Wisconsin winters cherished our houseplants.

    We both cried too many tears but they were shared and thus not as painful as they might have been. Since then I have cried with many people and many of them were kind and gentle and loving. But they weren’t Mom.

    So Mother’s Day is always a bit sad for me. And this is one more that I didn’t get to share with her. I am never happy about that.

    The only comfort I’ve ever had about her dying so young is that when my daughter died some 13 years later we knew that my Mother would be there to greet her and that our precious girl would not arrive frightened and alone. Maybe God planned it that way all along.

    • helenk3 Says:

      I can understand Marge. I lost my mother when I was 13. she had been sick for 5 years with cancer. they did not use that word back then. My father could not handle supporting a daughter and both sides of my family were not interested in doing so, I was in foster homes until I was 18. It gives you a very different perspective on a lot of things,
      enjoy your time with your children on mother’s day. Remember the good times with your mom and all the great things she taught you.
      Happy Mother’s Day

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Thank you Helen. You made me realize how fortunate I was to have her for as long as I did. How could they when you were devastated by loss abandon you further?

        That you emerged the kind, strong and decent woman you are is a testament to your strength and strength of character. I am proud to know you.

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, Marge – your story just had me in tears. Losing your mom, and then your daughter, so young in their own ways, must have been heartache beyond imagining. Your mother sounds like someone I would have liked very much! Bless you heart – such loss, and yet here you are – so smart, funny, witty, and a lot more.

      Then I saw Helen’s comment. WOW, Helen, that is just gut wrenching!! It is astonishing what happened to you and as Marge said, for you to be such a warm, strong, woman of character.

      I am honored to know you both, two incredible women. And Happy Mother’s Day to you both. Your children are lucky to have you!

  6. kenoshamarge Says:

    Ted Cruz spotted at Kentucky Derby

    I knew as a Derby fan you would get a kick of out of the first place that Ted Cruz is seen in public is at the Derby.

    I’ve never been much for horse racing, I did some barrel racing when I was young and even a few English Horsemanship and Pleasure competition. I just love horses. There is nothing, except maybe bunny fur as soft as the muzzle of a horse as it “breathes” your scent and then rubs against you. I still thrill to that.

    I think that’s one of the things I love so much about Mercedes Lackey’s books about Valdemar. The Magical “companions” of the “Heralds” who look like horses but are so much more..

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh wow, Marge – that is wild! Good for Cruz for picking such a festive locale for his first big outing post-campaign.

      I knew you weren’t much for horse racing, but very cool abt the barrel racing. That is what Beth, the woman who takes care of our Jordan, used to do, along with training horses. Neat abt the other kinds of riding you did as well!

      I know just what you mean abt the horse’s muzzle. There is one horse at the barn, TC, who had his right eye removed. He practically sneaks up on you and gently nuzzles you looking for snacks or a pat. He is the sweetest old boy.

      Speaking of “old boys,” this is our 36 yr old Jordan, a photo I snapped with my old cell phone (I still use a Blackberry with a real keypad. Hate those touchscreen ones!):


      • kenoshamarge Says:

        Jordon is beautiful! And boy does he look good for being 36 years old! He’s near 80 in human years isn’t he? I hope I look that good when I get to be his age.

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          Thanks, Marge! He is the oldest horse in the barn, and looks much younger than a couple others who are younger. His vet said, “Jordan is like a fine wine. He gets better with age!” He is quite tall, 16.2hh, and is very curious, playful, and sociable. He often plays nursemaid to other horses when they aren’t feeling well, standing guard by their stalls. As Beth says, he likes having a job.

          We think his being so inquisitive is one of the things that has kept him going this long.

          Btw, I wish I could have gotten a better photo – his coat is gleaming copper now that he has shed his winter coat. He’s dreamy, isn’t he? 🙂

  7. helenk3 Says:

    a very interesting take on the trumpettes

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      The fact is many of those cited as “Evangelicals” are that in name only. Many/most of them are more interested in Nascar than going to church on Sunday. From what I’ve seen in the modern south their Christianity is a mile wide and an inch deep. Else how could they support an immoral and deeply flawed man like Trump?

      We all believe in redemption but he’s done nothing to redeem himself. He doesn’t even believe he has to ask God’s forgiveness.

      But then there are a whole lot of so-called Christians that think it’s just dandy to rip a baby from it’s mother’s womb and call it birth control instead of what it is – infanticide.

  8. helenk3 Says:

    this says a lot

  9. helenk3 Says:


    yes Gun Runner did run fast and furious but just not fast enough

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      It WA a great race, Helen! I thought of you when Gun Runner came in 3rd. Nice job by the handsome colt! Nyquist was not going to be denied, though. Exciting race!

  10. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    The Right Scoop has an election poll:

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      I voted for the Bunker since they didn’t have my choice which is voting Libertarian. I think, but don’t know for sure that write in votes are not counted. So writing in Ted Cruz may feel good but doesn’t send the message to the Republican Party that we do have somewhere else to go. Especially if it raises the numbers for the Libertarian or Constitution Party substantially.

      Just my plan for now. November is a long ways away. All I am sure of is that I will never vote for Trump or Clinton.

      I will vote Libertarian or Constitution Party and then vote down ticket for Ron Johnson. Most of the city officials, all Dems, run unopposed every election.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Yeah, they didn’t have my choice, either. I can understand the Bunker vote totally – that seems to be the majority opinion!

        Excellent point abt the Libertarian or Constitution Party vs. write in.

  11. kenoshamarge Says:

  12. helenk3 Says:

    why i do not and never will vote for donald trump

    please read this. My daughter was hurt by his actions. She managed one of the small businesses that trump hurt.
    Now think about his idea on paying off the national debt. See where his thinking comes from

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, wow, Helen. I am so sorry to hear that abt your daughter. People seem to forget how much of a negative impact all of Trump’s shenanigans have on people.

      I saw abt a minute this morning of a Trump rally (thank HEAVENS HLN doesn’t show any more than that) of Trump riling up the crowd. All he had to say was, “Hillary wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment!” He repeated the same line over and over and over again, and each time, the crowd just yelled and booed. That’s all he has to do, apparently. It is unbelievably disturbing…

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        “If we must have an enemy at the head of government let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

  13. helenk3 Says:

    those republicans who will not back trump

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Thank GOD.

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      The #NeverTrump movement is growing. Many are saying that they will write in Ted Cruz. I don’t think write in votes get counted. Which will have the same effect as staying home on the final presidential count – ditto leaving space blank although differences between the number of ballots and presidential votes may, or may not, be noted.

      I intend to vote Libertarian. If the vote totals show the Libertarian Party suddenly grew by millions of votes and the GOP shrunk by millions that should poke a stick in the eye of the Republican Party and show them that we DO have some where to go.

      I realize for many writing in Ted Cruz may feel good – I want something to do some good.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Me too, Marge. I want something concrete to happen and someone DECENT for whom to give my vote. There is no way on God’s green earth that I will vote for either one of those two people. No way.

        So yeah – the Libertarians or Constitutionalists better come up with someone good and soon!

        • kenoshamarge Says:

          I’m not that fond of Gary Johnson although he is certainly better than Trump. The Libertarian convention starts May 26th so maybe my choice, Austin Peterson will win. Either way still #NeverTrump & #NeverClinton!

  14. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

  15. helenk3 Says:

    see a third party in the future

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      I have to hope so because the people the Dems and GOP are putting up are completely unpalatable. SOMETHING has to give…

  16. helenk3 Says:

    the trump effect

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      We tried to warn the Trumpanzees that this would happen. But once they joined the cult they were impervious to reality. Still are as far as I can see.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Yes we did – REPEATEDLY. And just like Obots, we were treated terribly for our efforts. They would rather suffer under their delusions of his greatness than look at the man he really is. That they are so capable of ignoring reality says a lot abt them…

  17. kenoshamarge Says:

  18. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    My sister-in-law had this great piece up today, “12 Things Your Parents Were Right About”:

    I would add, “don’t be penny-wise and pound foolish,” as well as Franklin’s adage, “haste makes waste.”

  19. helenk3 Says:

    I am very disappointed in Sarah Palin. I do not know what trump promised her, but she should remember he is bad pay

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      I am too, Helen. Trump must have promised her something REALLY good.

      Cannot believe how much I used to defend this woman…

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        I did too at first but I never got over her resigning as Governor. She was all about being this “fighter” and suddenly she just gave up. I heard all the reasons and maybe they had some validity but in spite of what her Dad said about her “not retreating – just reloading” it sure looked like a retreat to me.

        And lately? She looks bizarre and is her speech here in Wisconsin was anything to go by she isn’t much of a speaker anymore either.

        Paul Ryan has every right and reason to expect some answers and explanations from Trump. If Palin doesn’t’ understand and support that she truly shows us she was never the woman we thought she was. And that’s very sad.

        • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

          I even defended her from that because the number of frivolous lawsuits by Democrats were taking a lot of her time, the state’s time, and costing her family over half a million dollars to defend against. I felt that she was damned if she did, damned if she didn’t.

          But now, I am just disgusted by her behavior. I have some issues with Ryan, but I would rather have HIM at the helm of the House than a number of other people who are in there. That she is targeting him our of her Trump devotion is beyond disturbing.

          • kenoshamarge Says:

            I was planning on voting against Ryan because of the issues I have with him. He has been primaried by a man named Paul Nehlen and I intended to vote for Nehlen. Then I found out Nehlen was a Trumpanzee. So no go. I didn’t, and don’t, think Ryan will be beat in this district. But just like I am no longer in a big hurry to vote for Senator Ron Johnson, who is endorsing Trump, I sure as hell am not going to vote for some Trumpanzee.

          • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

            Johnson’s endorsing Trump?? Good grief. The pickings are getting mighty slim of people for whom to vote, huh?

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      I just saw a piece on the Palin v. Ryan thing on HLN. The reporter said there are HUGE differences between Ryan and Cantor. Specifically, Ryan has a 77% approval rating in his district, the reporter said, and Cruz won that district by a wide margin.

      Still, he said, no one wants to hear that kind of thing from someone with a megaphone in the party (I am paraphrasing), but I think Ryan will be JUST fine. Who knows – maybe Palin’s threat will get him MORE votes this time!

  20. helenk3 Says:

    no one else but trump at the convention?

  21. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    I have some good news: it is official. We have a signed contract for the sale of our house. Yay! Well, it is bittersweet since this was our dream home and we love it. But that aside, we got a good offer from our next door neighbors whom we met in March. They live in Indiana and aren’t planning on moving here for a year or so, and will be renting back the house to us while we build our new house. It is the perfect scenario for us, and for them. We couldn’t be happier. We meet with our builder this coming week and will get the ball rolling on the new house. Thank the heavens above, and our realtor, Maggie, whom we just love. Whew. So thankful!

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      Great news! So glad this is working out so well for you.

      That they are willing to rent the house to you until you get your new one built is wonderful. And something not every buyer would do.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Thanks so much, Marge! We are so happy abt how this has worked out. It seems the Powers That Be were just biding time until these folks were ready to buy.

        A big part of their decision was that even though they have a 2 1/2 acre lot next to us, the only place they can really build is VERY close to our garage/Suzy’s office. None of us moved out here to this island to have neighbors right on top of us. That and some other factors came into play, and all at the right time. Thank HEAVENS!!!

        Oh – and get this – our builder is running a special that if a contract is signed by this coming Sat., we will get a good chunk of change toward the building (abt the same amt as our realtor’s commission). WOW!

    • helenk3 Says:

      very happy for you

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Thank you, Helen. It was a long time in coming, but I think it was because we just had to wait for the perfect scenario to occur. Having our neighbors buy it is the best possible outcome, especially since they will be retiring here next year. Perfect!

    • piper Says:

      Congratulations on selling your home to good people. Now for fun – building a new home. You’ll need to share pics as it goes up.

      But now a little humor to celebrate.

      • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

        Thanks so much, Piper! And you know I will bore y’all silly with home building photos!

        ROTFL abt the cartoon – so, so true!!

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