And The Plot Thickens *Open Thread*


There continue to be questions arising over Hillary Clinton’s email server, especially now that the FBI has been able to resurrect her deleted emails (ahahahahaha). Oh, how the plot has thickened.

First to Hillary Clinton and the emails that have been unearthed. From Bloomberg:

The FBI has recovered personal and work-related e-mails from the private computer server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s success at salvaging personal e-mails that Clinton said had been deleted raises the possibility that the Democratic presidential candidate’s correspondence eventually could become public. The disclosure of such e-mails would likely fan the controversy over Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system for official business.

The FBI is investigating how and why classified information ended up on Clinton’s server. The probe probably will take at least several more months, according to the person, who described the matter on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing and deals with sensitive information. […] (Click here to read the rest.)

I think that is a question we would ALL like to have answered, don’t you? Just how in the world did classified information end up on her private server? Okay – I was being a bit snarky there. I don’t think many of us are confused about that, but I get the FBI has to do the legwork to PROVE it. I bet they will prove it indeed.

And about that whole private server company, the latest news dovetails nicely with the current visit by the Chinese President, Xi. And that would be this little newsflash reported by Breitbart about the company Clinton used:

[…] In March 2011, the security company RSA was hacked. The hackers got into the company’s system through a malware-infested email sent to an employee, then installed a “backdoor” and stole data. RSA called it “an extremely sophisticated cyber attack.”

RSA was not the only victim of the attack. A victim list showed that more than 760 other organizations were also “compromised.” Internap appeared five times on the full victim list.

Five different “blocks” of Internap hosted services – which could include websites, email services, and email-storage and cloud services – were hit in the 2011 attack. A computer expert tells Breitbart News that Internap networks could have been used by the hackers to help it get to RSA or other targets.

China was the home source of 299 of the 338 command and control networks that the hackers used to carry out the attacks, according to an analysis at the time by cyber security expert Brian Krebbs.

The names of the domains used by the hackers included taunts at the United States. The domains included “,” “,” and “” (The “prc” in the latter domain might have represented “People’s Republic of China,” according to Krebbs).

Internap, like other Internet service providers, was also the victim of numerous less-sophisticated denial-of-service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks during the period that Clinton was employing the company. In a DDoS attack, the targeted computer is clogged by the orchestrated arrival of many millions of commonplace computer-to-computer contacts. […] (Click here to read the rest.)

So, yeah – it looks like the Chinese got access to even more than the OPM records they have obtained if they indeed did hack Internap.

Oh, and while I am on a digression about the Chinese, we also got news this week that the number of fingerprints they stoled from the OPM was over 5.5 MILLION. Yep – because NOTHING could go wrong with that, right? Yeah. Sure. Here is more from Reuters:

Hackers who stole security clearance data on millions of Defense Department and other U.S. government employees got away with about 5.6 million fingerprint records, some 4.5 million more than initially reported, the government said on Wednesday.

The additional stolen fingerprint records were identified as part of an ongoing analysis of the data breach by the Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Defense, OPM said in a statement. The data breach was discovered this spring and affected security clearance records dating back many years.

The news came just ahead of a state visit to Washington by Chinese President Xi Jinping. U.S. officials have privately blamed the breach on Chinese government hackers, but they have avoided saying so publicly.


Officials from OPM and the Defense Department only recently discovered that the additional fingerprints had been stolen as they continued to assess the data breach, OPM said in a statement.

During that process, officials “identified archived records containing additional fingerprint data not previously analyzed,” the OPM statement said. As a result, the estimated number of people who had fingerprint records stolen rose to 5.6 million from the 1.1 million initially reported, it said.

OPM said the total number of people affected by the breach was still believed to be 21.5 million. […] (Click here to read the rest.)

Gee, so glad we are throwing a big ol’ red carpet event for the President of China considering what they did to us. Oh, sorry – ALLEGEDLY did to us, which should be considered an act of aggression. Well, it WOULD be under any other President…

All of that is to say, this government, from Hillary Clinton’s attempt to keep her emails – State and otherwise – unavailable for FOIA requests, or to follow up on what really happened at Benghazi, and so much more, has surely revealed highly classified information to our enemies. Same with the OPM and its lack of security protocols for highly sensitive material, I might add.

But when it comes to Hillary Clinton, the plot has definitely thickened as the news continues to leak out about her recovered emails, and National Security. I have to HOPE that at long last, in one way or the other, she will finally, finally get her comeuppance for lying through her teeth about Benghazi. Hey, we might learn even more about some other lies – who knows? Seems like a pretty good bet to me.

One thing I will bet on, though – this plot will continue to thicken.

That’s what I think. How about you? This is an Open Thread.

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65 Responses to “And The Plot Thickens *Open Thread*”

  1. helenk3 Says:

    Boehner to resign

    when you can not get a human chop shop defunded while the pope is in town it is time to go home

  2. helenk3 Says:

    why John Boehner had to go

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Thanks for this, Helen. It makes his tenure clear, thus the need for him to step down. It says something, though, that the Reps kept electing him even when he was taking them down. WHY?? I hope the damage he caused can be reversed…

  3. helenk3 Says:

    Rep. Paul Ryan says Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the current No. 2 Republican in the House, would likely get John Boehner’s job as speaker – @Reuters

  4. helenk3 Says:

    Jeb Bush on John Boehner’s resignation: ‘(He) dedicated his life to public service. Bringing the Holy Father to Congress was a fitting cap to a great career.’ – @JebBush

  5. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Allen West also thinks we should not be rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese:

  6. helenk3 Says:

    Fox showed a clip of Rubio telling the audience at his speech the Boehner was stepping down. There was a standing cheer. That says a lot

  7. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Talk abt the plot thickening, there were already some questions abt Ahmed-the-“Clockmaker,” but the plot has thickened there, too. As Ahmed gets invited to the White House and the UN, seems this kind of thing isn’t new for his family:

    If ONLY reporters would bother to do their jobs FIRST before blathering out their ideology…

  8. helenk3 Says:

  9. helenk3 Says:

    62% of republicans feel betrayed by their party

  10. kenoshamarge Says:

    With the Body not yet Cold, Walker’s Krack Kampaign Manager Keeps Backstabbing

    This is what you get when you hire one of the krack kadres of kampaign konsultants:

    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker pulled the plug on a bloated campaign that was headed into debt and was being undermined by furious donors, a warring staff and — at the root of it all — a candidate who was badly out of his league.

    Prior to the governor’s abrupt exit from the Republican race, his campaign had a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency plan at the ready: Campaign manager Rick Wiley, in a half-hour phone interview with POLITICO on Tuesday night, said he had an “all-in Iowa” plan that would have moved the headquarters from Madison, Wisconsin, to Des Moines and cut the staff from about 85 to 20 as of Thursday. But Walker, floundering in debates and on the stump, was facing such a sudden drought in donations that even those drastic moves wouldn’t have guaranteed solvency.

    “We built the machine that we needed to get a governor in just phenomenal shape to take a stage in a presidential debate,” Wiley said. “I think sometimes it’s lost on people the largeness of the job. I think people just look at it and say, ‘Wow! Yeah, you know, it’s like he’s a governor and he was in a recall’ and blah, blah, blah — he’s ready. It’s just not like that. It is really, really difficult. … I’m just saying, you know, like it’s a f—ing bitch, man. It really is.”

    The racket known as “kampaign konsulting” is one of the great disgraces of the American political system. It’s something that needs to be exposed by every political journalist — except that they, too, are part of the racket. Like a bookie, a kampaign konsultant is a no-lose business; you get a hefty slice of the pie, and if the kampaign goes south, you can always blame the candidate instead of looking in the mirror.

    Wiley blamed the size of the campaign partly on Walker’s newness to the national spotlight. “It takes a lot to build a campaign to run for president, especially around someone who is introduced to a new set of issues,” Wiley said. “Foreign policy — brand new. And just the dynamics of the federal issues are different, obviously. I mean, my God, this guy is a machine — I mean he really, truly is. But that takes staff, it takes time to do that. And we built the campaign that we needed to get him ready.”

    Remember after McCain and Palin crashed and burned? How his staff savaged her? These lice are, as Walsh says, a big part of the problem with our system. As are political reporter parasites.

  11. kenoshamarge Says:

  12. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Here is more on McCarthy, Boehner’s likelu successor:

    • kenoshamarge Says:

      McCarthy says it’s time to stop intraparty fighting and come together to “heal”. Somehow I find those words synonymous with capitulation. Guess my cynicism and mistrust is showing.

  13. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    Dang, Rep. Peter King sure knows how to win friends and influence people – not:

  14. helenk3 Says:

    read this and your hair will be on fire
    boehner’s last act for backtrack

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      That better NOT be the case. I swear – he and Pelosi are just two sides of the same coin. He deserves to step down. He has done this country a grave disservice if this is true…

  15. foxyladi14 Says:

    He is a traitor. nnnnn 👿

  16. kenoshamarge Says:

    Pope’s call for immigration leniency unlikely to change debate

    Vatican has most restrictive immigration policy

    Hypocrisy thy name is Francis.

  17. helenk3 Says:

    one reason for Boehner’s resignation

  18. helenk3 Says:

    is Mitch next?

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      Oh, PLEASE let him be next. I have tried to be patient with him, but he has capitulated so much to the Dems, it is not even funny. He flat out concedes before there is even debate. How it is that the Reps can hold both houses and still be so weak, allowing the Dems to run roughshod over them, is beyond me.

      • kenoshamarge Says:

        We were told that if we voted them into the majority in the house things would change. Not noticeably. We were then told that they needed a majority in the Senate. We voted that for them. Did things change? Not noticeably.

        Now Rubio says that they need the White House too. What makes me think that maybe even then they won’t keep their promises? Perhaps past performances like during the Bush Administration?

        Pardon my cynicism but they crawl to voters til they get elected and then do as they damn well please.

  19. helenk3 Says:

    one thing must be understood about speaker’s decision

  20. helenk3 Says:

    this is cool. over Central Park today

  21. helenk3 Says:

    I am so glad I am not working in Penn Station NYC today. it has to be crazy

  22. helenk3 Says:

    this might be off the wall, but all I heard from republicans under Boehner’s leadership was
    “we can’t”. A good leader would have encouraged and looked for ways where his people would be able to say “we can”. He did not back the people who tried.

  23. helenk3 Says:

    Papal visit

  24. Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

    I thought y’all would appreciate this “Non Sequitur” that was in our paper today. Marge, I think you will like it a lot:

  25. helenk3 Says:

    ace of spades on boehner resignation

  26. helenk3 Says:

    I think I corrupted my daughter.
    we were talking and I told her about Trump’s “Charlie Brown” defense.
    she started singing
    Donald Trump, he’s a chump
    she is going into work tomorrow and there will be a group discussion on how to change the words to fit Trump

    Also told her about Hillary’s defense ” I didn’t know the gun was loaded” she is going to look it up on youtube and there might be a group discussion on that one too

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      LOL, well done, Helen! That is too funny. Now I have that in my head abt “Trump the Chump,” too! 😀

  27. kenoshamarge Says:

    Pope’s words falling on deaf ears

    His message, whether you like it or not, has been lost in the political infighting. He’s being used by both sides.

    70% of Catholics don’t want him preaching about Global Warming. They seem to believe in the old “Render onto Caesar” thingy

    • Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy Says:

      It seems the tone deafness is going both ways then – the Pope isn’t listening to the people, and people aren’t listening to the Pope (at least on that message – the Left seems all too gleeful to promote the things he says that promote their ideology while ignoring the rest of it).

      And speaking of the Pope, a friend who is Catholic, had this up at Facebook:

      I was wondering if the Pope ever said anything abt the slaughter and dispersing of Christians in the Middle East. The UN seemed like the perfect place to speak up. I take it he didn’t?

  28. kenoshamarge Says:

    And here’s something else for his Holiness to think about.

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